I could use some help when printing a monthly schedule.
I am using winschedule to show deliveries on a monthly printout. I set the appointments to all day and then fill subject with a string for example, "NI - 302 - Walla Walla Company". I need to show all info in day box on calander and would also like to change color based on first 2 letters, "NI". Also, maybe if I set text to smaller font that would work as well.
Any suggestions, examples would be greatly appreciated.
Hello dpickart,
I attached a VB project. When I converted the project it I forgot to add that both After/BeforeCreateChildElements require Implements IUIElementCreationFilter."" For more details please visit the following documentation: http://help.infragistics.com/NetAdvantage/WinForms/Current/CLR4.0/
Let me know if you have any additional questions.
I have tried to use your form as is and also split out into a class, both ways I get that error on the line
Implements IUIElementCreationFilter
Please help. if I get past this I should be done with this project.
I'm down to 1 error. I get this in the class file
Error 11 Class 'CreationUIElement' must implement 'Function BeforeCreateChildElements(parent As UIElement) As Boolean' for interface 'Infragistics.Win.IUIElementCreationFilter'. C:\Dev\Avada\AdTracker\AdTracker\CreationUIElement.vb 7 16 AdTracker
Thanks, I will try yours. I have tried to replicate the c# in VB.NET but so far I get the error
"Error 30 Class 'MyCreation' must implement 'Function BeforeCreateChildElements(parent As UIElement) As Boolean' for interface 'Infragistics.Win.IUIElementCreationFilter'. C:\Dev\Avada\AdTracker\AdTracker\MyDraw.vb 12 20 AdTracker "
I attached a zip folder containing the entire namespace in VB as a VB script file. Let me know if you have any additional questions.