I saw a reply multiple items per row in UltraListView where Jose Acevedo wrote: "In attempt to provide you with similar functionality, I have attached a sample that uses the ultraListView in Thumbnail view and ultraPictureBox. When the user clicks on an item in the ultraListView, the image displayed in the ultraPictureBox changes"
This sounds like exactly the functionality I need - but there is no sample code attached to that reply as suggested.
The functionality I need is: To have a scrollable list view of thumbnails generated on selection from a drop-down list of files, of the frame pages within a TIF file - and on selection, will show that selected frame in an editable window. The Listview must support drag/drop/delete to allow reordering (and on listview exit, intention is to obtain the new order and update TIF file with new order without deleted frames). The modifying of the TIF I can accomplish if it is not supported - mainly need the Listview as described.
I have code to provide a MS ImageList of thumbnails but having difficulty with drag/drop/delete of them. I have written a TIF editor using MS Image - but if Infragistics has something would prefer to use all one type (need to draw line, select area and cut/paste/delete area, add annotations.The problem with current MS based designs is displaying 150+ thumbnails can take much longer and sometimes suffer from out-of-memory issues. The old COM component we currently use for this functionality is unstable - so we need a replacement.
I downloaded the latest Windows Forms 13.1 and there is no examples of using the ultraListView and ultraPictureBox in the samples I can find.
Did that sample help you to make any progress on this?
Here is a new sample to show you the progress I have made so far. In this sample you will be able to click on an item in the UltraListView and drag it to another position. You can delete the ActiveItem by right-clicking anywhere on the UltraListView. I based the drag/drop functionality on the code in this forum post:
There is a WinListView DragDrop sample with the Infragistics sample applications which you might want to refer to to refine this drag/drop functionality.
I haven't yet figured out this part about "maintaining a key on each item of its original index value 'key' that can later be retrieved into an integer array". I will continue to look into this and get back to you with an update later this week.
By the way, which version of NetAdvantage are you using? This sample uses 2013 volume 1 with C# and Visual Studio 2012.
I am working on a sample for you and I will get back to you later this week.
Thanks Michael - a start.
The sample does not have drag/drop enabled and I have no samples on your site to teach me how to do it...
The UltraListView I need must support drag and drop reordering - and delete. Once the items are reordered and a few deleted I imagine - I need to get the new order and re-order the original TIF image file from it. I did this with a Microsoft listview using the key value which was displayed with the image as a 1-based page number.
So - considering there is no sample code on how to use these - can you help?
Modify the sample to support drag/drop/delete.
Add a text key/name of each image - preferably the index plus 1. I am assuming your UltraListView has an enumerator so I can iterate through them - obtaining the key # as read in the displayed sequence. (i.e. original sequence of 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8 could be reordered with deletions to 1,4,2,3,6,7,8
I tried changing the sample to thumbnails and it doesn't seem to change the size - even setting the size with this.ultraListView1.ViewSettingsThumbnails.ItemSize = new Size(153, 200);Doesn't appear to change the listviewitem size.
I imagine sizing might be related to source image size - can worry about that later - mainly need help with drag/drop/delete/reorder while maintaining a key on each item of it's original index value 'key' that can later be retrieved into an integer array - functionality - if this control doesn't support it - this won't work for me.
I am attaching the sample that was referred to in that other thread. I hope it is helpful to you.