using ultraCalendarInfo's BeforeDisplayAppointmentDialog, I have a code written to show my own custom appointment dialog box. Before I show that dialog box however, I want to check if the slot double clicked (in the ultradayview) is within the correct range in which appointment is allowed to be made. For us its from 930am to 6pm . If its before 930am or after 6pm, I want to prevent showing the appointment dialog box. Plz suggest what should I do.
Maybe one possible solution could be if you are using AfterTimeSlotSelectionChanged event. By this way you could get the time slots. For example :
private void ultraDayView1_AfterTimeSlotSelectionChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
Let me now if you have any questions.
Hello jangroup
jangroup said:... but are they owner specific or not? Because its possible that one owner's start time for Monday is different from another owner's start time for same Monday. please suggest
They are not owner specific. At that moment we have not such functionality. You can suggest new product ideas for future versions (or vote for existing ones) at <http://ideas.infragistics.com>.
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I wanted to know the start and end time of the clicked dayview because I wanted to compare it to the start and end times of the currently selected timeslot, so I can make a decision to show or not to show the appointments dialog box (based on whether timeslot is within the working hour range).
the "m_ownerfrompoint.IsInWorkingHours" provided this same info without me having to explicitly compare the individual datetimes. So that did the job.
Now I have to control the dragging and resizing of the appointments. I have to prevent any appointment from resizing beyond working hours, or being dragged beyond the working hours. For this purpose I again am in a need to know the start and end of the current owner's current day's start and end time. The image that you posted above which helps me getting the start and end times through DayOfWeek (of calenderinfo) property does give me some values, but are they owner specific or not? Because its possible that one owner's start time for Monday is different from another owner's start time for same Monday. please suggest.
What about this question ?
jangroup said:What I'm really looking for is the start time of the working hours, which I said is 930 in my case. Which properties will help me get the current working hour start time that is shown in the dayview control?
Let me know if you have any questions.
couple of "from point" things I set like follows
Private Sub ultraDayView1_MouseMove(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.MouseEventArgs) Handles dayview.MouseMove
m_appointmentfrompoint = dayview.GetAppointmentFromPoint(e.X, e.Y) m_timeslotfrompoint = dayview.GetTimeSlotFromPoint(e.X, e.Y) m_ownerfrompoint = dayview.OwnerFromPoint(e.Location) m_datetimefrompoint = dayview.DateTimeFromPoint(e.Location) m_visibledayfrompoint = dayview.GetVisibleDayFromPoint(e.X, e.Y)
End Sub
just in case it helps someone..
for me this is working fine:
Dim withinworkinghours As Boolean = m_ownerfrompoint.IsInWorkingHours(m_timeslotfrompoint, m_datetimefrompoint)
if withinworkinghours is true then I show the appointment dialog box, else i dont.