Yesterday I was working on my code and was able to use "CELLVALUECHANGED" handle. I also had code in another AFTERCELLUPDATE block of code that used E.ROWINDEX. I did something this morning that now indicates an error on these lines and says that E.ROWINDEX is no longer valid. What did I do?
Am I referencing the wrong import statement or reference. The object generated my initial cellvaluechanged event for me, but it is no longer available.
That makes sense I guess, I thought I was referencing the new controls and namespace, but maybe I wasn't. I figured out the new syntax and moved on. Thanks For response
Hello dpickart,
Rowindex has not been a member of the CellEventArgs for quite some time. Which version of NetAdvantage are you using? The current event arg for the AfterCellUpdate event is e.Cell.Row.Index.