we have the ultradayview like the following:
we have a requirement to display the 15 minute difference of time, like below 100, I want to show 1:15, then in the next line I want to display 1:30 and then 1:45 before 200. Please suggest how can I do this.
Hello jangroup,
If you need any additional assistance don’t hesitate to ask.
By default the time format in our UltraDayView control depend of your TimeFormat settings of your OS. If you change yourTime Format settings to be [hh:mm tt], you will get the result from attached screenshot. Another approach (without to change OS`s settings), could be if you set specific settings through your CurrentCulture thread
Let me know if you have any questions.
Thanks. Just what I wanted. One more thing though, can I put am or pm with every time interval?
Maybe you coudl try these two properties:
ultraDayView1.TimeSlotDescriptorLabelStyle =TimeSlotDescriptorLabelStyle.EveryTimeSlot;
ultraDayView1.TimeSlotInterval =TimeSlotInterval.FifteenMinutes;