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UltraGrid Databinding problem

I have been banging my head against this one all afternoon so maybe somebody can help.

I am using CSLA to create BusinessObjects which are then hooked into bindingSources and then into the grid. So my grid has two bands in it(Children and Grandchildren)

I have a Root object which has a collection of children, which each have a collection of Grandchildren. I have 3 bindingsources on my form (Root, Child, Grandchildren)

I can save the object fine and rebind the UI, all edit levels match up after a save( they are all reset to 0). However, if I call CancelEdit() I get an editlevel mismatch. One of the grandchildren stays at an elevated edit level (1).

This does NOT occur when using a Janus grid, or when using two windows grids on the same object base. So this has to be something to do with Infragistics. If anybody has seen this before please let me know.



  • 5

    I'm currently experiencing exactly the same problem (CSLA 3.7.0 + Infragistics v9.2). I'm wondering: did you ever solve the problem?

