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PrintPreview fonts not rendering properly...

I'm using the PrintPreview dialog attached to a UltraGrid.  Everything works as expected as long as the width of the print preview dialog does not get too wide.  As soon as that happens, the font used for the Header / Footer sections set during the Grid's InitializePrint event starts to shrink. 

For example, I have written a sample application that loads the preview dialog on top of the main application.  I invoke the preview dialog when the window is 1/3 the size of the monitor and my header looks great -- 14 point, bold, etc. (Image Cool.bmp in attached zip.)

Now when I maximize or strech the application window across my desktop (or even worse, both my monitors) and invoke the preview dialog, the rendering starts to get incredibly buggy -- 8 pt font, etc.  The body of the document (the grid) also has its font changed.  (Image NotSoCool.bmp in attached zip.)

If I print the document when using a smaller window it comes off the printer as expected.  When I print when the application is choking, it comes out NOT as expected.  I consider this a bug.  Has anyone else seen this?

I've attached the VS2008 / Infragistics v8.1 sample project.
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     I've found the sizing deals with the grid size and not my application (though the grid is sized based upon the app window so...).  I've also found a hack-around to make the rendering always work.  I simply always size the grid to 100 X 100, render the printout, and then reset the size.  This is not optimal so I'm curious as to my folly and why no one else is reporting this.