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Row Labels Grouping with Series Labels


 I am using a stack column chart. I am binding a dataTable with data as below.

By default, without using UseRowColumns flag, the chart shows series labels as Col B on x axis, Col C on -ve Y axis, and Col D on + Y axis.

Now i like to show row labels for colA values.

Please advice if there is a way I can force Col A as row labels grouping Col B as series labels.  



Col A, Col B, Col C, Col D.

A, namex, -5, 5.2

A, namey, -6.7, 8.6

A, namez, -3, -10.5

B, name1, -5, 5.2

B, name2, -6.7, 8.6

C, namei, -3, -10.5

C, namej, -5, 5.2

D, nameg, -6.7, 8.6

D, nameh, -3, -10.5

  • 28496
    Offline posted

    sorry, but there is no grouping functionality in the stacked charts to automatically group rows together.  you can submit a feature request here:

    it would take some extra work, but you might be able to separate the data and simulate groups of stacked columns, if you use a composite chart containing multiple stacked column chart layers.