I am new to Infragistic calenders and scheduling.I am developing an application in C#.
I have the requirement to get a list of users and the jobs assigned to them from database.
and i need to show those jobs as appointment in Ultradayview depending upon the selected date from a date picker.
But the problem i am facing is Ultradayview is showing only the current date appointment.
When user selects a back date.how can i navigate to the back date to show the appointments??
Also when i click on a prticular appointment i need to get the appointmnet ID which i have set while creating an appointment and based on that it opens another window to show the details.Which event gets fired when we click on a particular appointment & how can i get that ID from that appointment?
Can someone help me on this?
Thnaks a lot.....
It worked...
1) Use the UltraCalendarInfo.SelectedDateRanges collection:
private void ShowDate( UltraDayView dayView, DateTime date ){ try { dayView.BeginUpdate(); dayView.CalendarInfo.SelectedDateRanges.Clear(); dayView.CalendarInfo.SelectedDateRanges.Add( date ); } finally { dayView.EndUpdate(); }}
2) When an Appointment is selected, the UltraCalendarInfo.BeforeSelectedAppointmentsChange event fires:
this.dayView.CalendarInfo.BeforeSelectedAppointmentsChange += new BeforeSelectedAppointmentsChangeEventHandler(CalendarInfo_BeforeSelectedAppointmentsChange);
void CalendarInfo_BeforeSelectedAppointmentsChange(object sender, BeforeSelectedAppointmentsEventArgs e){ Appointment appointment = e.NewSelectedAppointmentsCount > 0 ? e.NewSelectedAppointmentsCount[0] : null;
if ( appointment != null ) { DataRowView drv = appointment.BindingListObject as DataRowView;
// TODO: Get the ID (?) }}