Hello how to group ultragrid columns like in the picture attached below.In ultragrid it is possible but as sub bottom.I need to group columns in a row.if any idea please .
Thanks in advance.
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Hello Mike.
In foto I show that I need to transpose this row groups to column groups.There are row groups datarelation tables.but sometimes I need to transpose and show sale row groups as column groups.Please help if any idea.And the position of column groups in a row like in photo.
Okay, I see what you want now. Unfortunately, the WinGrid does not have any built-in functionality to do this. You could probably implement something like this yourself using buttons outside of the grid that hide/show the columns. The trickiest part would be getting the buttons to line up with the grid columns, but I think you could achieve that using the UIElements in grid, maybe using a CreationFilter.