Does anyone know is there is a way to keep the header cells in the UltraWinGrid from showing a highlighted border when the mouse hovers over them? I have made the grid in my application not sortable, however, when the mouse hovers over a column header, the header cell has a highlighed border. This is confusing to some users because it looks like you should be able to click on the header and do something.
Hey All,
I am having a problem in UltraWinGrid Column Header border Highlighting.
Issue : On mouse hover of header cells, grid is not showing highlighted border. But on clicking border comes and it continue to show highlighted border even on clicking anywhere on screen
What I am doing : At designer .cs I have specified the following property
this.grdOrderableList.DisplayLayout.Override.HeaderStyle = Infragistics.Win.HeaderStyle.WindowsXPCommand;
Desired Functionality: Highlighted border to be displayed on mouse hover of header cells on grid.
It should remove highligted border when mouse leaves the header cells.