I have bound a List<myClass> to an ultragrid, where myClass contains a property DateTime RequiredDate {get;set;}
When the user now clicks on the (automatically generated) calendar in the grid, the calendar opens, but always with Today as startdate.
As the grid will be used for a future planning, the calendar always should start in the next calendar year (just when the caledar dropped down)
I think that setting the value is not an option because than it will be set in the grid although the user has choosen no date.
Setting the minvalue also is no option because the user should be able to choose years in the past.
using winforms version 13.1.20131.2027
that one now works, thanks!
I apologize for taking so long with this. Please take a look at the new sample that I have attached. I think it addresses the questions that you had. I had to use reflection to get a reference to the MonthCalendar that is used by the DateTimeEditor and then handled the MouseDown event of the MonthCalendar to determine whether or not we should accept the date that is displayed in the dropdown. I also included a CreationFilter to cover up the date in the cell while the dropdown is being displayed. Look it over and let me know what you think.
I am working on a CreationFilter to bring about the behaviour that you want. I will get back to you with an udpate later this week.
sorry have to do other projects at the moment...
in the last sample it's still that the date is set in the background, whereas the "date-text-field" in the background should stay empty until I choose a date from the calendar. It works that the calendar opens with a future date, but, as I said, the field in the back should stay empty.
Is there anything else we can help you with?