When I load DataSource on my grid with a list of objet, it automatically put band(0).key = "list'1" on my band(0).
If I have secondary list of objet on my primary list it automatically put band(1).key = "Details" on my band(1), who Details is the name of my property on my primary list.
My question is,
How I can change de band(0).key property and why is not automatically name the .key property of my variable.
One of the problems I encounter the name of the top of my columnchooser is the name of bands(0).key.
My primary list of object is calling "Production", I want to change "List'1" to "Production"
But band(0).key is Read-Only and I don't find function for that just ReserKey function.
Good, is what I want.
Thank you for your time Mike.
Hi Francois,
Yes, of course you can set the display name. :)
private void ultraGrid1_InitializeLayout(object sender, InitializeLayoutEventArgs e) { UltraGridLayout layout = e.Layout; UltraGridBand rootBand = layout.Bands[0]; rootBand.Header.Caption = "Products"; }
Hi Mike,
But I can change the name on my columnchooser ?
See the attachment file.
This is nothing to do with the grid. The BindingManager in DotNet handles these names. The name of the child band is easy, since it's a property on your root-level data objects. But for the root level, the band name comes from the class name of the objects, I think.
You can't change the key, but the root level band will always be Bands(0).