The best way to show this is by attaching a video.
When I press Alt, I can see the shortcut characters. But when navigation with the Alt shortcuts into the Start menu, from a certain level, the characters don't show anymore...
Is this a bug?
As you will see in the video next actions are taken:
- ALT - F (--> Start menu)
- ALT - R (--> Routine)
- ALT - R (--> Orders)
In the next menu, no characters are shown in the square boxes. The shorcut keys still work, but at this level and in the deeper levels, the big characters aren't shown anymore.
Thank you for the video? What is the version in this video that you are using of our controls? I tried it with v13.1 and the latest service release and it seems to work fine. Please take a look at the attached sample.
It's 11.2.
Hi Lieven,
I am not experiencing this with v11.2. So I am not sure if the issue is in the version used. Could you please try it out with the trial version of 13.1 NetAdvantage so we know if the behavior is coming from your project?
Ok, I'll try it as quickly as I can. Currently some other high-priority work.
Thank you Lieven. I will be waiting for your sample project here.
Hi Boris,
Just tried this with v13.1 (Trial) and I have the same issue, so I guess it's more of a problem in our code or in the way Progress integrates Infragistics.
I'll take this up with Progress Support. I would gladly provide you with a sample project, but that will be too much work right now. Maybe I'll get back to you about this problem later on.
Thx, Lieven
Thank you for your feedback.
Please let me know if you need my assistance in the future.