I try to load my project after i format my pc from win 7 32bit to win8 64bit(might has something to do with the error) and the infragistic licenses dont work. I have 8 infragistics in my license.licx file and i get 8 errors in visual studio 2008. The error i get is this:
Error 1 Exception occurred creating type 'Infragistics.Win.UltraWinGrid.UltraGrid, Infragistics2.Win.UltraWinGrid.v7.1, Version=7.1.20071.40, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=7dd5c3163f2cd0cb' System.ComponentModel.LicenseException: No license information found C:\Users\Antonis\Desktop\Dropbox\BackUp\PETROLINA\CANTINE\23.04.2013 VISITORS working\Visual Studio 2008\Projects\Petrolina receive order\Petrolina receive order\My Project\licenses.licx
And i installed the same version of infragistics i had before. What do i do wrong?
Hi Danko,
We are migrating one application which was using infragistics NetAdvantage 2006 vol 1 for CLR 1.x in windows server 2008 R2. As this version does not support windows server 2016 ,installed nuget package Infragistics2-7.3 .Updated the licenses.licx file with latest version.checked the infragistics licence present in assembly.But still i get build errors.When i see the control on design page its says "No license information found".
So please suggest me whether we can use the nuget packages for latest version or do licensed verison of latest software is mandatory
Are you getting a No license information found error? If so then it sounds as though you still need to install the product or the version of the product that the other developer added. It is possible that you could have installed an older or newer version and still see the error.
If the issue is more generic that the designers don't work and not specific to "no license information found" the most likely cause is still a version mismatch between what is installed on your machine and what your coworker added.
Review your references in the new project as well as what is in source control to see if you are referencing the same version of the toolset and if not make them the same to see if that resolves your error.
Let me know if you have any questions with this matter.
Having more and less the same issue, but I didn't find any Licenses.licx file on my solution. Someone else added the infragistic control to the form and checked the code into source control. After checking out I can't open the form in design mode, nor I can add an infragistics control to any other forms in that project.
btw, When I created a new solution it works fine...
any ideas?
thank you
You can learn more about the control by reviewing our samples and help. the Product help and downloads link has links for each of the platforms that we have controls for and you can use this as a starting point:
There is also a link to download the toolset on that page and you can install a trial.
I want to know about infrajistic controls.