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Slow Bind To Grid

Ihave an UltraGrid which is populated form a collection of Custom objects where each object in the collection is a custom object called BLDepartment which itself contains properties of custom objects within it. The code to do this is:

this.AllDepartments = BLDepartment.GetDepartmentsFromManagerPersonId(BLPerson.LoggedOnPerson.PersonId);
this.bLDepartmentBindingSource.DataSource = AllDepartments;
this.bLDepartmentUltraGrid.DisplayLayout.LoadStyle = Infragistics.Win.UltraWinGrid.LoadStyle.LoadOnDemand;
.bLDepartmentUltraGrid.DisplayLayout.MaxBandDepth = 3;
this.bLDepartmentUltraGrid.DataSource = this.bLDepartmentBindingSource;

The code hangs for a very long time (about 3 minutes) on the last line. I assume this is because as the grid is binding to the collection, it is going into evey public property of every BLDepartment object in the collection. If this is the case is there a way to stop this hapenning and so improve performance ?

Any help greatly appreaciated.
