In an ultragrid, I have repeating groups of columns for a variable list and would like to have a thick vertical line when the variable changes. The columns would be like
Var1, Var1_a, Var1_b,Var1_c , Var2, Var2_a, Var2_b, Var2_c, etc. I would like a column separator to the left of Var2. The number of columns per variable is the same. What's the best way to do this?
I followed your first example and have the separators except for the very last column. My app is different in that it doesn't have column groups, it's multi-band with only Band[0] showing column headers, but all columns are the same for each band so they line up.
Hi Ron,
This could be achieved using a DrawFilter. Please take a look at the following links: and
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