I am exploring ways to alert user without using dialog boxes. Desktop Alert kind of alerting is perfect because it can made to show in the corner and disappears on its own without user interaction. Ideally I would like the alert to show within the user control instead of outside. The implementation I have seen it show outside the application I am running.
Thanks Hristo.
On the DesktopAlert I want the user to have two choice,
- perform that data load action
- do not remind me again
Can I do these two choices as two links with its own handler?
Hello ,
Since Text area (the area occupied by the text property of Alert Window), uses formatted text, you could display text as a link. More information about the look and feel of WinDesctopAlert, you will find on the following link:
Also here is an example code, which will display Infragistics as link
ultraDesktopAlert1.TreatCaptionAsLink = Infragistics.Win.DefaultableBoolean.False;
UltraDesktopAlertShowWindowInfo alert = new UltraDesktopAlertShowWindowInfo();
alert.Caption = "AAAAAAAAAA";
alert.Text = "Link to <a href=\"http://es.infragistics.com\"> Infragistics</a>.";
ultraDesktopAlert1.DesktopAlertLinkClicked += new DesktopAlertLinkClickedHandler(ultraDesktopAlert1_DesktopAlertLinkClicked);
void ultraDesktopAlert1_DesktopAlertLinkClicked(object sender, DesktopAlertLinkClickedEventArgs e)
throw new NotImplementedException();
Please let me know if you have any further questions.
Hello Hristo,
In the Desktop Alert can one have messages with links in it? For example, the alert message may say something like:
Processing errors. Click here for details
When the user presses the link, some handler code would be invoked.
You could display desktop alert window where you want, please see the following tutorial
Please let me know if this is what you are looking for.