I am using UltraWinSchedule v 10.3 and using print functionality.
Now my problem is that i want to show One day per Page in Print and i has UltraDayView with selected range of 5 days with 2 different owners and are grouped owner wise.
so how is it possible to do so.My code snippet is:
UltraSchedulePrintDocument ultraSchedulePrintDocument1 = new UltraSchedulePrintDocument();
ultraSchedulePrintDocument1.CalendarInfo = calendarControl.TfmsDayCalendarControl.CalendarInfo;
ultraSchedulePrintDocument1.CalendarLook = calendarControl.TfmsDayCalendarControl.CalendarLook;
ultraSchedulePrintDocument1.TemplateDayView = calendarControl.TfmsDayCalendarControl;
ultraSchedulePrintDocument1.DefaultPageSettings.Landscape = true;
ultraSchedulePrintDocument1.ExcludeNonWorkingDays =false;
ultraSchedulePrintDocument1.PrintRange = SchedulePrintRange.Selection;
ultraSchedulePrintDocument1.StartDate = calendarControl.TfmsDayCalendarControl.CalendarInfo.SelectedDateRanges[0].StartDate;
ultraSchedulePrintDocument1.EndDate = calendarControl.TfmsDayCalendarControl.CalendarInfo.SelectedDateRanges[0].EndDate;
ultraPrintPreviewDialog1.Document = ultraSchedulePrintDocument1;
Hello avlindia,
I am checking about the progress of this issue. Please let me know If you need any further assistance on this.
Could you please review the sample attached to this post and see if it meets your requirements. Please feel free to let me know if I misunderstood you or if you have any other questions.
I ahve 2 Owners and want to see single Day per page means One Day One Owner per Page.I want such setting in printDocument from where i can set how many days i want to print per page, it should not matter how much selected days are there.
is it possible???
The document prints out what you see from the control on the form. So, if the control looks like this on the form, it would be with the same style in the print preview. The style you are setting does this. Given that, what exactly do you want to see?
I have added 2 owners and updated GroupingStyle property to DateWithinOwner i sample and it stopped working as expected.
Please add my settings to your sample and check.
public Form1()
ultraCalendarInfo1.Owners.Add("User1", "User1");
ultraCalendarInfo1.Owners.Add("User2", "User2");
ultraDayView1.GroupingStyle = Infragistics.Win.UltraWinSchedule.DayViewGroupingStyle.DateWithinOwner;