With infragistics documents i'm working to create various documents. With the table object i place text and numers in cells.Now i'm looking for the possibility to put an image in a cell as the cell background. Is this possible?I've looking in the documentation and it seems possible but can't find any code how to do this.
On a side note: it would be very usefull if you can do a search in this forum in a specific forum group. For example in this case do a search in the subgroup infragistics.documents.
Kind regards,
Jacob Iedema
Hello ,
I am glad to hear that you were able to solve your issue.
Please do not hesitate to contact with us if you have any further questions.
Found a way on this forum with a similar question. Changed code a bit.
First create class with following code:
Private Class MyDrawing Implements IDrawing Public Sub OnDraw(graphics As Reports.Graphics.IGraphics, x As Single, y As Single, width As Single, height As Single) Implements IDrawing.OnDraw Dim image As New Reports.Graphics.Image("filename.jpg") graphics.DrawImage(image, x, y, Utils.Converter.PixelsToPoints(image.Width), Utils.Converter.PixelsToPoints(image.Height)) End Sub End Class
Place this line in code where you need it:
MyCell.Background = New Infragistics.Documents.Reports.Report.Background(Reports.Graphics.Brushes.White, New MyDrawing)