I have parent-child relationship A-B that Infragistics by default shows like this
+ A col1 col2 col3
B col1 col2 col 3
I want to make changes to this default display.
1. Get rid of the indentation i.e B is right below A. That way col1 would be below col1 from the other band and col2 under col2, etc
B col1 col2 col3
2. Replace "+" with something like a down chevron icon and "-" with a up chevron icon
3. Remove the dotted lines (of the tree structure) that links the two bands
Thanks! How about replacing the +/- with two chevron icons? Is there a property to help do that?
First of all, set the indentation to 0. I think it works best if you set it for both bands. This will also, I believe, hide the dotted line row connectors.
ultraGrid1.DisplayLayout.Bands["A"].Indentation = 0; ultraGrid1.DisplayLayout.Bands["B"].Indentation = 0;
ultraGrid1.DisplayLayout.Bands["A"].Indentation = 0;
ultraGrid1.DisplayLayout.Bands["B"].Indentation = 0;