I am using Infragistic 10.2 and reading excel file using Infragistic.excel
1) To read formula attached to a cell.
Below is the code for reading :
Workbook workbook1 = Workbook.Load("filename.xls");
Infragistics.Documents.Excel.Worksheet worksheet = workBook.Worksheets["DifferentFormats"];
string aValue;
for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++){
aValue = worksheet.Rows[i].Cells[1].value;
aValue is reading =T("1299") whereas it has to read 1299 and ignore formula applied to that cell.
Searched on infragistic site and found to use "GetText" property but in version of infragistic to able to find this property.
Due to some restrictions , can't upgrade infragistic version . Can any one suggest any solution for this problem or any sample of code which can read such values.
Please need solution on urgent basis.
Please follow the following link: https://es.infragistics.com/my-account/keys-and-downloads/. Please sign-in if you have not already. Please select NetAdvantage 2010 Vol. 2, then click on 'Service Releases' below. Please locate the release for Windows Forms. You have to install it and test your application against it, please make sure that it is 10.2.2035 in your assemblies in the project.
Where will i get 2035 service release and how to install or use it?
Can you guide me please?
Did you try the 2035 service release for v10.2?
We are using Netadvantage 10.2 WIN CLR2x.This version doesn't retrieve value of formula but #NAME in the VALUE property of cell.
There is no property of GETTEXT() which is can solve my problem.
Please need the solution on urgent basis.
Hello Renuka,
Did you try the service release Mike suggested? Does it meet your requirements? Please let me know.