I have the following scenario where I have a list that is bound to a System.Windows.Forms.BindingSource which is then bound on the Infragistics Grid. I have a Ribbon on the Form with a ButtonTool which Saves my data.
Rows are added to the grid using a Band.Override.AllowAddNew = FixedAddRowOnTop.
However, if I am in the process of adding a new row and click the Save button, the Row has not been updated. No events are fired. I need to know a way I can inform the grid to validate the row before updating before Save can do anything. Events Leave, LostFocus, Validating, BeforeRowUpdated are not fired.
Thanks Mike
I've only just got round to putting this in place. Thanks a lot, it works for me.
Hi Andez,
The grid commits changes to the current row when the grid either loses focus or changes active rows.
Clicking on a Ribbon or toolbar button does neither of these, because ribbons and toolbars do not take focus (so the grid does not lose focus).
So what you have to do is call grid.UpdateData() before you save, to manually tell the grid to commit the changes.