Hello everyone,
i am using the UltraGauge 11.1 and i tested to show a ToolTip if the user is moving the mouse over an Gauge element.
For this i used the PrimitiveMouseEnter Event to get the Gauge Marker Needle for example and show the ToolTip via the ToolTipManager Control.
The problem is, that the event is raising to many times and to much ToolTips are visible (on top of each other)
This seems very strange and different from ToolTip behaviors of other controls.
I added a little demo Project and i whould be happy if someone could help me :-)
Hello Georgi,
my bad, i posted in this forum before i opened the support ticket. Both solutions works fine for me !
Thanks for the help ! :-)
I suppose that this forum thread is duplicate with case CAS-108548-Y0R7R3. Please take a look at attached sample in the case and let me know if you have any questions.
Add another check to see if the tooltip is already being shown after your check for the Loc_GaugeNeedle IsNot Nothing:
something like this:
If (Me.UltraToolTipManager_Main IsNot Nothing And Not Me.UltraToolTipManager_Main.IsToolTipVisible(Me.UltraGauge_Main)) Then
End If