then I mouveover one of the columns
Hello Fred,
Please note that I`m using version 12.1.20121.2082. Your version is 12.1.20121.2038. In my test sample I`m not able to reproduce this issue. Could you please try to upgrade your project to with latest available service release. You could donwload it from our site: -> Accounts -> My Key and Donwloads -> Service Releases.
Let me know if you have any questions.
chart was column3D, and I have same version 4, 12,1.20121.2038
Yes, it could be one possible reason for this behavior, but I need to have more details about your scenario, chart type, and so on. Also I need to know what is your current version
Please let me know if you have any questions.
I took out the WRAPTEXT = true and it looks like its fixed now.
Could this have been the cause ?
Video - part 2