On my form I have a UltraNumericEditor control. The control's value property is bound to a data table column (smallint) via Window.Forms.BindingSource.
The value contains some bitcoded status data, from which I initialize some checkboxes. If the control's visible property is set to false, the value property has no value (DBNull). Why? Is this a bug?
Sorry about that. The correct version is: 11.2.20112.2050
Hello Markus,
Thank you for this information.
I believe you might have mistyped the version of NetAdvantage you are using, though. If you're using NetAdvantage 2011 Volume 1, the digit before the last period in the version number should be a 1. However, if you're using NetAdvantage 2011 Volume 2, the digit after the first period should be a 2. Please clarify which version it is you are using.
Hello Dave,
VS2010, c# and NetAdvantage 11.1.20112.2050.
DataSet where controls are bound to, are filled up in the forms load event. Setting up the checkboxes from the hidden bound control happens in the form_show event.
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