Hi,For some reason, after a period of time, whenever one of my win services was continuously running then it produces the error “Parameter is not valid” from the Infragistics2.Excel export library while trying to export into excel. The error persists until the service is restarted. We are using Infragistics2.Excel 8.3.20083.1009 version. From our side we are tried to fix it by memory cleaning and code optimization for efficient memory management, unfortunately it was not getting resolved. We are strongly believe that the problem was occurred from excel export library, Can any one let me know the best solution at the earliest. For more details here I am providing the stack trace information.Message : Parameter is not valid.Stack Trace : at System.Drawing.Graphics.GetHdc() at Infragistics.Excel.Worksheet.get_DefaultRowHeightResolved() at Infragistics.Excel.Serialization.BIFF8.BiffRecords.DEFAULTROWHEIGHTRecord.Save(BIFF8WorkbookSerializationManager manager) at Infragistics.Excel.Serialization.BIFF8.BIFF8WorkbookSerializationManager.WriteRecord(BIFF8RecordType type) at Infragistics.Excel.Serialization.BIFF8.BIFF8WorkbookSerializationManager.WriteWorksheet(Worksheet worksheet, Boolean hasShapes) at Infragistics.Excel.Serialization.WorkbookSerializationManager.WriteWorksheetRecords(Worksheet worksheet, Boolean hasShapes) at Infragistics.Excel.Serialization.BIFF8.BIFF8WorkbookSerializationManager.SaveWorkbookContents(Boolean workbookHasShapes) at Infragistics.Excel.Serialization.WorkbookSerializationManager.Save() at Infragistics.Excel.Workbook.SaveBIFF8File(Stream stream) at Infragistics.Excel.Workbook.SaveHelper(Stream stream, IPackageFactory packageFactory) at Infragistics.Excel.Workbook.Save(Stream stream, IPackageFactory packageFactory) at Infragistics.Excel.Workbook.Save(Stream stream)Source : System.Drawing
I am just checking if the latest reply helped you out and if you require any further assistance on the matter. Did you test your application with the latest Service release?