i have a wingrid who displays the orders of a customer (IDCustomer, DateOrder, Amount)
i wan't to display on this wingrid some informatiions about each customer (name, address)
Of course, i can use a view in my database, but i must modify the DateOrder or the Amount and it's impossible with a view.
Can i use a formula in a textbox to retrieve this information ? (unfortunately, the Excel Function VLOOKUP does not exist !!!)
Thanks for your answers !!
No, I don't have any samples of that. That part of this isn't related to the grid, it depends on your data source. So how you get the lookup value from the data source depends on what kind of data source you are using and what kind of support it has for finding values.
hi mike,
thanks for your answer and i will try with this event, but have you an example to find a value to another table (i want to use the relations between the tables) ?
I'm sure there is a way to build a data source with the information you want that is still editable.
But if you don't want to do that, then I recommend using unbound columns. You could use the InitializeLayout event of the grid to add columns to the band.
Then you use the InitializeRow event to populate the values of the unbound cells with whatever information you want.