Is there anyway I can include Summaries in the formula builder?
For example, I have a summary Min(Bid), I want this to be visible in the FormulaBuilder to allow user to use this formula to create other formula based columns.
The only way I know to do this is to add all the summaries created to a control and add this control to the FormulaBuilder. If there is better way I would like to use it.
When we add summaries of SummaryType formula using Summary Settings, such summaries appear in the FormulaBuilder along with other columns. I would like to see the same for other SummaryTypes such Sum/Min/Max that are automatically available.
This works Perfectly! Thanks Hristo.
Hello ,
Formula builder is designed to build formulas and it doesn’t display a result at its dialog, also if the formula has a key then this formula could be used for further calculation and they could be browse in the formula builder. In the attached zip you will find sample an a video. The default summaries of the grid doesn’t has a key and they are not displayed in the FormulaBilder, but you could handle AffterSummaryDialog in order to set keys for this summaries and this will allow you to brows them in the Formula builder.
Please let me know if you have any further questions.