I have a specialized use case for UltraCalendarInfo and UtlraTimeLine. I provide my own editors. How can intercept and cancel the single click embedded editors?
Hello ,
WinDayView, WinWeekView and WinMontViewSingle component have a property ShowClickToAddIndicator . This indicator appears when the end user hovers the mouse pointer over a TimeSlot or the AllDayEvent area of the WinDayView™ control, or over the day area of the WinWeekView™ and WinMonthViewSingle™ controls. It provides a way to add an Appointment without launching the appointment dialog. When the indicator is clicked, a new Appointment is added and placed into edit mode. For more information about this property please review following link:
And UltraTimeLineView doesn’t support this functionality by default. Could you please verify that you are using UltraTimeLineView. Maybe you have written some code which on mouse click adds appointment and puts appointment in edit mode.
I am waiting for your feedback .
note this is different from handlingBeforeDisplayAppointmentDialog event. That is triggered by double click.