I'm working on an existing WinForms application and I am having some weird issues with Infragistics controls in a WinForms app.
When I open an existing form or usercontrol in the project that has Infragistics controls on it, it looks like this: http://sdrv.ms/S7gvmS
I cannot access any of the controls in the design surface. Clicking does nothing. And, all of the controls appear in the lower area.
So I created a new test solution and dropped some Infragisstics controls on and got this: http://sdrv.ms/SRdo2y
What is going on here?
Hello Kevin,
I am checking about the progress of this issue. Please let me know If you need any further assistance on this.
I believe that there is a checkbox, which you could check or un-check in order to get the latest updates. Please take a look at the attached screenshot.
I have resolved this issue.
A new PC was set up and the installer for the Infragistcs controls was run. Same installer other developers used to set up their PC's a year ago.
Except this time the installer automatically downloaded version 12.1.20121.2054, whereas the other developers are on version 12.1.20121.1001 from an older install.
The installer did this without prompting us. This is a HORRIBLE design. Very bad idea. The installer should ask the user if they want to upgrade, not just do it and break everything.
I just went and checked the referenced Infragistics assemblies. They are pointing to C:\Windows\assembly\GAC_MSIL\Infragistics2.Win.UltraWinEditors.v12.1\12.1.20121.1001__7dd5c3163f2cd0cb\
Ok, I have attached a screenshot of the vs2010 designer open. You can see all the controls listed in the lower area. Clicking on a control in the designer surface has no effect.
Also, as soon as I open the control or form in Visual Studio, the designer modifies the generated code, so it is automatically checked out of source control. The modification that is made does not compile. So I have to undo checkout before I do anything else, or I can't continue. See the ZIP file with the code in it. You can see the line of code outlined in red. It is added by the designer as soon as I open it. After that, it will not compile.