Hello,I'm having a problem with the UltraWinGrid 2006.2 version. I would use the 2011.2 version that I have, however having both DLLs from each version in the project causes namespace ambiguity. This problem doesn't exist for the .NET controls because the namespaces on the .NET dlls are typed with the version (ie: infragistics2.xxx and infragistics4.xxx). So, I'm stuck with using this old version, as I don't want to have to update every single infragistics control in my win application.
I've just started using your controls, however I thought I understood them pretty well. I have an UltraWinGrid (2006.2 version) bound to a dataset. The dataset has a relation set up in it. However, there are no child bands displaying. Can you please tell me why? Also, can you please provide a link for the documentation on the 2006.2 version of the controls?
The way I'm populating the two tables may not make complete sense, as you cannot see the code for the methods I'm calling, but I assure you the data is there. I can write the dataset to XML and verify it. Code is below:
Dim datViwProviders As DataView
datViwProviders = clsApplicationHelper.ProviderSearch.ProviderReimbursementSchedule.DefaultView datViwProviders.RowFilter = "ProviderID = '" & _dr.ProviderID.ToString & "' "
datSetResults.Tables.Add(clsApplicationHelper.GetProviderAddresses(datViwProviders(0)(0).ToString()).Tables("ProviderAddresses").Copy()) datSetResults.Tables.Add(datViwProviders.ToTable("ProviderReimbursementScheduleAddress"))
'Add the data relations so the ultra grid will load the child band. datSetResults.Relations.Add("ProviderAddresses_ProviderReimbursementScheduleAddress", _ New DataColumn() {datSetResults.Tables("ProviderAddresses").Columns("AddressID"), datSetResults.Tables("ProviderAddresses").Columns("AddressTypeID")}, _ New DataColumn() {datSetResults.Tables("ProviderReimbursementScheduleAddress").Columns("AddressID"), datSetResults.Tables("ProviderReimbursementScheduleAddress").Columns("AddressTypeID")}, False)
Me.ugResults.DataSource = datSetResults
I'm sorry, I feel like quite the fool. There was an obscure location in code that was resetting the viewstyle to singleband. I was updating some old code and glazed right over this.
Below is a snippet of the dataset's XML. You can see that there is child data, yet the "ProviderReimbursementScheduleAddress" band is not displaying. It's almost like the grid simply isn't showing the "+" expansion column. As in, everything is there, I just don't have the UI control to access it.
<ProviderAddresses><ProviderID>P08V0S7FAD</ProviderID> <AddressID>D12M0II7AG</AddressID> <AddressTypeID>_REI0PVM64</AddressTypeID> <AddressTypeDescription>Alternate Address</AddressTypeDescription> <FullAddress>1020 W 9th St||||Neligh, IL 79751-1244</FullAddress> <EffectiveDate>1999-01-01T00:00:00-06:00</EffectiveDate> <TerminationDate>2005-02-01T00:00:00-06:00</TerminationDate> -<ProviderReimbursementScheduleAddress> <ProviderID>P08V0S7FAD</ProviderID> <ReimbursementScheduleID>XYZ</ReimbursementScheduleID> <AssignmentType>Standard</AssignmentType> <AddressID>D12M0II7AG</AddressID> <AddressTypeID>_REI0PVM64</AddressTypeID> <EffectiveDate>2002-07-01T00:00:00-05:00</EffectiveDate> <TerminationDate>2005-02-01T00:00:00-06:00</TerminationDate> <MaintenanceDate>2012-08-23T14:56:43.423-05:00</MaintenanceDate> </ProviderReimbursementScheduleAddress> </ProviderAddresses>
Thank you for the reply. I'm not able to aliases on the reference as I'm using VB and VB does not support that, only c# does.
The MaxBandDepth is set to 100. ViewStyle is set to multi band. The child table does containt rows. I can write the dataset to xml immediately before binding the dataset to the WinGrid and I can physically see both parent and child rows. In debugging I can physically see that there is a data relation set up. I'm still not able to expand parent rows to see child rows.
Do you have any other ideas why this isn't working?Thank you.
Hello ,
If you want to use more than one different Infragistics volume in one solution you could use alias. On the following forum thread you could find more information about using alias and extern alias:
But it is better to use only one version in your solution, in order to avoid issues caused by the fact that programmer think that uses one version but actually it uses other.
About the grid: if the data set has set correct relations between its tables and grid doesn’t display child band then child table may not contains rows or MaxBandDepth property of UltraGrid is set to 1. More information about this property you could find on the following link:
Infragistics 6.2 is old version, it is expired and that’s why the online help for this version is removed from our servers.
Please let me know if you have any further questions.