I am trying to create a common toolbar that I can use in several places. the probem I am having is that the ComboTool on the bar is not throwing the events i want to pic up and it is reverting to a DropDownlist from a dropdown.
Heres how i am doing this
In the constructon of the from cantaning a toolmanager i have
m_saveExportToolBar = new SaveExportToolBar<ReconstructionDesignModelList, ReconstructionDesignModel>();
when adding the toolbar the combo gets changed
in the constructor of the toolbar I have
m_selectionCombo = new ComboBoxTool("Selection") {ValueList = new ValueList(0), DropDownStyle = DropDownStyle.DropDown};
m_selectionCombo.SharedPropsInternal.Caption = "Selection";
m_selectionCombo.SharedPropsInternal.Category = "Reconstruction";
m_selectionCombo.ToolValueChanged += SelectionComboOnToolValueChanged;
m_selectionCombo.BeforeToolEnterEditMode += SelectionComboOnBeforeToolEnterEditMode;
m_selectionCombo.AfterToolExitEditMode += SelectionComboOnAfterToolExitEditMode;
any ideas?
steven Evans
removing adding the controls to the toolbar in the constructor and adding this code fixed the issue
protected override void OnAddedToCollection(KeyedSubObjectsCollectionBase primaryCollection)
((ToolbarsCollection)primaryCollection).ToolbarsManager.Tools.AddRange(new ToolBase[] { m_selectionCombo });
Tools.AddRange(new ToolBase[] { m_selectionCombo });
Think I should be using the PFL but it works for now
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