Is it possible to return the text in the UltraCalendarCombo with a Disabled Date?
So here's my scenario:
I have a UltraCalendarCombo that the user can select and also type in.
If the user tries to select a disabled date, nothing happens, they can't.
If the user tries to type in the disabled date, upon TextChanged or Leave event, the text (and value) in code is set to my previous entered or initial text (and value). This becomes a problem for me, when I'm trying to get the date the user entered regardless if the date is disabled or not, so I can go ahead and display a Message Box warning the user that they've tried to type on a disabled date.
Any help would be great,
Hello Wesley008,
I wanted to know if you were able to solve your issue based on this suggestion or you still need help. Please let me know.
Take a look at the ValidationError event for the CalendarCombo. The event args should give you the error value with a code of DisabledDate.