Hi,Can ultracombo match all columns more than display member column?
if Can not, and how to do this?
Hello tidge,
What I could think of about this requirement, if I got it right, is to create an unbound column, make it's value the 'sum' of other values and show it as display member column.
Please feel free to let me know if I misunderstood you or if you have any other questions.
I wanted to know if you were able to solve your issue based on these suggestions or you still need help. Please let me know.
Hello Boris,
Thanks for your reply.
But I want to show one column text in the ultracombo after selected but sum of all columns.
What can I do? Can I overwrite the Function of Matching?
Hello ,
What you could do is to use UltraClackManager in order to sum the values of your columns into the unbound column. More information about UltraClackManager you will find on the following link:
Also I have created simple sample in order to demonstrate you this approach.
I hope that this will helps you.
You don't understand me.what I want is AutoSuggestFilter Can be applying to all columns but Sum of column.
For example,there are tow columns in the ultracombo,When ultracombo's text is changing,the ultracombo can filter the row that displaymember column contain the text of ultracombo.now I want to filter the row that all columns contain the text of ultracombo. Thank you!
So, just to make sure I understand you... you want the auto suggest to match all of the columns in the dropdown, not just the DisplayMember column?
There's currently no way to do this. You could Submit a Feature Request and maybe this could be added in a future version.