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UltraDateTimeEditor: "Playing back" key sequence

In our program we use the UltraDateTimeEditor (version 12.1) on many of our forms. Due to a few factors, if the user is creating actions (typing/clicking) faster than the actions can be processed we will queue it up ourselves (instead of windows doing that). We will then de-queue items in the order they were entered, similar to how Windows would.

In the case of the UltraDateTimeEditor, we are having problems. There does not seem to be a way to say "act like the user pressed numpad 1, then numpad 2) and have just "12/__/____" show up on the screen like what would happen if a user was just to type those two characters. Pragmatically we can set the value of the field, but "12" cannot really be converted to a DateTime either.

Basically, we want to be able to programmaticly set the field to look like a user had just typed the numbers "1" and "2" into it, like below:

Thank you,


  • 71886
    Offline posted

    Hello Bruestle2,

    I know that it is a bit hacky but I think that I was able to achieve the desired behavior. I really hope that I got your requirements right. My solution is not very good in common sense and is about a particular situation. Please take a look at the attached sample to this post and let me know if I misunderstood you or if you have any other questions.