Floating tab in TabbedMdiManager by right click the tab and thend click 'Floating', but I can not find out another way of tab floating by dragging out the tab like visual studio.
Is there no way of this?
Hello guidegi,
Maybe one possible approach to achieve desired behavior could be if you are using TabbedMDIManager with UltraDockManager. We have similar sample (in our sample browser ) that you recieve with instalation of our controls. You could find this sample at:
C:\Users\Public\Documents\Infragistics\NetAdvantage 2012.1\Windows Forms\Samples\WinToolbars\CS\DockingIndicators CS
Please let me know if you have any further questions.
I checked that sample code. It is similar to my code.
However, it does not have the solution that I need.
I want to drag out the tab in UltraTabbedMdiManager like below capture.
Maybe one possible approach could be if you handle TabDropped event. For example:
private void ultraTabbedMdiManager1_TabDropped(object sender, Infragistics.Win.UltraWinTabbedMdi.MdiTabDroppedEventArgs e)
Please take a look at the attached video for more details and let me know if you have any questions.
It can make the tab floating, but when I take this way, I can not move the tab to nested tab group or vertical tab group in the ultraTabbedMdiManager.
I want to use both of them, which are drag out floating and drag to nested tab group like visual studio.
I thought ultraDockManager and ultraTabbedMdiManager support these functions.
Is there any way to do this?
guidegi said: It can make the tab floating, but when I take this way, I can not move the tab to nested tab group or vertical tab group in the ultraTabbedMdiManager
It can make the tab floating, but when I take this way, I can not move the tab to nested tab group or vertical tab group in the ultraTabbedMdiManager
The mentioned behavior is expected with my suggestion from previous post. If you want to use nested tab group functionality, you could extend my suggestion with IF Conditions. At that moment I`m not able to provide you another approach for your requirement.
Have you been able to resolve your issue ? Did you try my suggestion. If you still have any concerns or questions I will be glad to help. If you need any additional assistance don’t hesitate to ask.
Thanks for provided information, but mentioned behavior is expected, because by this way your "Listing" (see the screenshot from previous post) at that moment is MDIChildForm and ultraTabbedMdiManager1_TabDropped() event doesn`t fire.
So if you want to achieve desired behavior you should extend your code for example like that:
I mean if the tab groups have multiple tabs like below the first picture, tabs can drag out.
However, if the tab groups have only one tab like below the second picture, the tab can not be dragged.
I want to find the way in this situation. Please let me know how to do that.
guidegi said: If the TabbedMdiManager has multiple tabs, it works, but one tab in the TabbedMdiManager can not be dragged. Do you know why?
If the TabbedMdiManager has multiple tabs, it works, but one tab in the TabbedMdiManager can not be dragged.
Do you know why?
No, I made a test with my sample and everything works properly. Could you please give me more details around this issue. If you are able, please modeify my sample to reproduce this issue and revert it back to me. By this way I`ll be able to reserach your scenario.
guidegi said: Is there any property that one tab can be dragged out?
Is there any property that one tab can be dragged out?
No, and I`d like to inform you that it is not possible to have such property, because if you want to achieve desired behavior, you should combine two different controls (UltraTabbedMDiManager with their TabDropped event and UltraDockManager with thier Float() method), so no way to have a property for this functionality
Let me know if you have any further questions.
This solution has one more problem.