We are using the Infragistics ultrawingrid 2011 vol 2. To improve the performance we insert the rows by adding the row in the DataSource (that is DataTable). We require a means to get the UltraGridRow if we provide the corresponding DataRow. And we want this band wise (meaning the ultragrid.Rows only provide the rows of the parent band or the first band. Our requirement is to get the UltraGridRows band wise if we provide the DataRow.)
Actually... another thought just occurred to me.
If you don't mind writing a little code and using up some extra memory, you could probably use the InitializeRow event to maintain a dictionary linking the data row to the grid row.
There's no magic bullet here. You would have to loop through the grid rows and examine the ListObject of each row until you find the one you want. If the row can be a child row, then you could theoretically make your search code more efficient by find the parent row first and then only looping through the child rows of that particular parent row instead of examining the children of every parent row. But this would require you to know what the parent row is, of course.