I am using a time series scatter chart with multiple series. How Do I get the legend to show a name and the color for each of the series in the graph? I have enabled the legend to show at the bottom, changing the legend.dataassociation does not seem to have any effect.
Sorry but the sample was not of much help. I am not using a composite chart and therefore do not need to create all of the chart layers. I am only using a scatter chart with multiple series...
gSeries = New Infragistics.UltraChart.Resources.Appearance.NumericTimeSeries gSeries.DataBind(tblSQLData, "Date", cboGraphVal.Text) chartData.Series.Add(gSeries)
In you sample you create a new legend, Why is there not already one present. I turn my legend on by
chartData.Legend.Visible = True
which shows a blank legend. I am only simply asking how to put items into the legend? Where do the legend items come from? what gives them their title, symbol, etc?
Here is the sample:
Hello wltaylor,
I made small sample for you where I`m using ScatterChart (you could use option ConnectedWithLInes = true / false) with desired behavior of the legend. Please take a look at the attached sample for more details and let me know if you have any questions.