Is it possible ot have a column not allowed to be moved, but the rest of the columns are moveable?
e.Layout.Bands[0].Columns[0].Layout.Override.AllowColMoving =
When I use this code, no columns in the table are moveable.
If this is not possible, is there any other way to "lock" a column.
As far as I know, this functionality has not been added to the grid and nothing has changed to make it any easier.
If my last post was confusing, scroll back to Mike's post on 5/2/2008.
Do you know if this feature was ever requested or added? I have a similar column structure to what is described above--two groups of columns within which the user can reorder, but moving columns between groups is forbidden. I have it working, but there's no feedback during the column drag that the drop will be rejected. I'm using v9.1.
Hi Steve,
Oh, great. I hadn't had a chance to whip up a sample, yet. :)
I was able to get this working. I found another post with example code, so you do not need to provide code in case you were going to.