I am at a loss on which chart type will show the data that I want. What I have is a single value that needs to be placed on a chart relative to other values, for example.
8/15/2010 Value = 2.0
8/15/2010 Value = 3.0
8/15/2010 Value = 2.4
8/20/2010 Value = 2.1
8/15/2010 Value = 2.3
Please note that the date changes and there are one or more values on each date.
I have made scatter chart work by placing the date on the x axis and the value on the Y axis.
.AreaChart.TreatDateTimeAsString = False
.Axis.x.Labels.ItemFormatString = "<ITEM_LABEL:MM/dd/yy>"
Hello wltaylor
wltaylor said: Not quite if you look at the data and attempt to plot you will see that since there are multiple points in the same day they lie on one vertical line and then you advance to the next day and have multiple points
Not quite if you look at the data and attempt to plot you will see that since there are multiple points in the same day they lie on one vertical line and then you advance to the next day and have multiple points
Nevertheless that your X axis contains equal date, you could draw your points alog the X axis ( NOT to lie on one vertical line). You could achieve this behavior if you treat your X axis like a string. For example you should set the properties:
axisX.DataType =AxisDataType.String;
axisX.TimeAxisStyle.TimeAxisStyle =RulerGenre.Discrete;
wltaylor said: the logical answer would be scatter chart but that requires an x,y point to plot and I only have multiple single valuesDriawing a bar or line or shading an area will obsucre the data. So what I need is the ability to show the point like a scatter chart without the x,y point requirement
the logical answer would be scatter chart but that requires an x,y point to plot and I only have multiple single valuesDriawing a bar or line or shading an area will obsucre the data. So what I need is the ability to show the point like a scatter chart without the x,y point requirement
If you want to use Scatter chart, please note that each point should have X and Y coordinate. We are not able to draw a point using only one coordinate (maybe the other one coordinate should have default value ).
Please let me know if you have any questions.
Not quite if you look at the data and attempt to plot you will see that since there are multiple points in the same day they lie on one vertical line and then you advance to the next day and have multiple points, the logical answer would be scatter chart but that requires an x,y point to plot and I only have multiple single values. Driawing a bar or line or shading an area will obsucre the data. So what I need is the ability to show the point like a scatter chart without the x,y point requirement. I am sure that a Date will not qulify as an X or Y Value. I gues I could fake an X axies series using each day as a nummber from 0 on the start date, to n for the end date, but that would make labling with a date an issue.
Hello Wltaylor,
If I understand well your scenario looking at the provided DataSource (which contains DataTime and Decima values), then you could use for example:
- LineChart
- LineAreaChart
- ColumnChart
- PieChart
- StepLineChart
- StepAreaChart
Please take a look at the links below from our online documentation. If you take a look at the first link, you could find table with different charts and required type series. If you clikc at the last column`s link you could find details about each chart and their DataSource.