Hi guys....
Does the ultrawingrid have its own email capabilities?
I am wanting to email from a ultrawingrid.... at the moment im using the the microsoft outlook com-handle to do this....
How can i get my parent,child and grandchild bands information into the body of my email without having to add the information as an attchment of some kind??
Any ideas?
No, there's no e-mail capability in the WinGrid (or in any of the NetAdvantage for WinForms components).
Burmo said:How can i get my parent,child and grandchild bands information into the body of my email without having to add the information as an attchment of some kind??
I'm not sure what you mean by this. You would pretty much have to copy the information from the grid as text. I don't see any way it could be done as an attachment. Unless maybe you export the grid to Excel or Pdf and attach that.