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Display image with URL action in the ultragridcell

Dear all,

Currently, I have set the ultragridcell to be URL and with text to be "X" meaning Delete line with event below.

protected void dataGrid_AfterCellActivate(object sender, EventArgs e)
            Infragistics.Win.UltraWinGrid.UltraGridCell activeCell = this.dataGrid.ActiveCell;
            int colindex = activeCell.Column.Index;
            long lineNum = Convert.ToInt64(this.dataGrid.Rows[activeCell.Row.Index].Cells["ItemID"].Value.ToString());
                if (evtItemDelete != null)
                    evtItemDelete(this, new StoreServer.VO.EventArguments.EvtArgsItemList(lineNum));

Now I need to change the ultragridcell to be Image and can trigger the action when click on it. How to do??