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UltraGrid is very slow with large datasets

I'm using an UltraGrid to display a large amount of hierarchical information. When given a very large data set, things slow to a crawl, and it takes seconds for the grid to respond to mouse clicks. This slowness is not in my code, I've got click handlers and they don't get called until after the delay either. Profiling shows 45.15% of execution time being spent in OnCurrentChanged and another 39.07% in OnCurrentItemChanged.

As an example, I've got a set of data that produces the following output. The top and middle bands in this particular data set each have 5,000 total rows (one row in the middle band beneath each row in the top band). The bottom band has about 1,600,000 total rows, about 300 beneath each entry in the middle band. The delay in a mouse click and my click handler getting called is consistently two seconds with this data set.

Am I simply asking too much of the UltraGrid? The output is produced by an algorithm that can process all of the data in about two minutes, but a post processing step that walks over each of the rows in the bottom band, checking a value and applying a background color based on that value is so slow as to be unusable. In my testing, it took an average of 3.5 ms per row, and at 1.6M rows, that's about an hour and a half just to iterate over the rows of the bottom band. I have not profiled what's taking so long in this loop.

I've gotten around the problem for the next release cycle and eliminated the post processing step entirely, but we're only a few weeks away from the current release and my changes have been deemed too risky to be introduced this late in development, so if there's a solution to this slowness, I still need to implement that one too.

If UltraGrid just can't handle data sets this large, I can simply disable this post processing on large data sets, but I'd really prefer not to. Slimming down the data sets is also not an option (the information in the bottom band is critical), and our users occasionally have data sets even larger than the one I've been testing with.