Latest version: just clicking in the control or dropping down the combo fires the validated event. How am I supposed to validate edits without repeating the validations a million times? The ValueChanged event is useless since it changes on every key stoke and on a key/item population, returns the text as the value rather than the selected value (since no selected index).
What event if any is there to validate changes ONCE only when the change is completed and requires validation? The AfterEditExit and related events also seem to me useless as they fire even when no edits are made (even when control is readonly). What is the purpose of these events if they have nothing to do with an Edit?
I am seeing the same problem. On opening the form the ComboEditor (left control) has the focus. If I just first click in the second combo (ComboBox) the Validated event of the first combo fires even though no edit was made. If I just tab back and forth from control to control, the event fires on each, even though no edit is being made.
I just wanted to know if you were able to solve your issue based on my suggestions or you still need help? Just let me know.
Thank you.
I have tested your issue with the latest service release of Infragistics 12.1, its built number is 2008, and I was not able to see the mentioned issue. Validated event of UltraComboEditor is firing as expected, please see attached sample. Please let me know if I am missing something.
I am waiting for your feedback