We'd like to put a control in the group header area - for example a textbox to specify an offset to apply to all values for every group.
We're wondering how feasible this is within the existing infrastructure of the UltraGrid control, and if you have any recommendations on how to achieve this.
Thank you.
Maybe one possible way to achieve desired behaviour could be if you are using CreationFilter. I have similar sample where I`m using this approach. Could you please take a look at the attached sample and let me know if you have any questions.,
Thanks Georgi for your sample, it looks promising. A few questions:
Also - note that we get the redraw bug when we expand/collapse group too. Can we deal with this in the same way as suggested above for mouse scrolling?
gsharm3 said: Also - note that we get the redraw bug when we expand/collapse group too. Can we deal with this in the same way as suggested above for mouse scrolling?
It is happen because we didn`t call our CreationFilter. I think that I solve this task. Please take a look at the sample.
I have a similar requirement where group by column is decided dynamically an can be changed programatically. To this we need checkbox control on groupby row.
If the checkbox is checked at group level checkbox for all the rows under the group must be selected. Similarly if all the rows in a group had idividually been checked the group checkbox should also get selected.
I have applied the above samples and am able to get checkbox on header , but how to get above functionality added. Also is there way to get checkbox before group description should that we don't have to force position as description length would vary for each group.
Hi Deepti,
I started to write a sample for you demonstrating this, and it turned out to be a lot bigger job that I thought it would be.
Anyway, I have attached my sample here.I tried to keep all of the CheckBox encapsulated into a separate file (GroupByRowCheckBoxCreationFilter.cs) so you could hook this same code up to any grid you want. I made it work for multiple levels of grouping, also.
I made a few assumptions, like that you are only working with a single-band grid.
I am determining the state of the CheckBox in the GroupByRow by recursively looping through all of it's child rows. There are probably more efficient ways to do this by caching the states, but this code should work okay as long as you don't have a huge number of rows.
Thanks for all your grt efforts Mike.
Yes I am using single -band. I had a terrible time myself with it , but now with your valuable efforts its all sorted.
Datasource for my requirement has a pre-filtered data , so lot rows won't be an issue.
Once again thanks for your time.