Hi Team,
We found a bug in 11.2 service pack. We have an ultraGrid with multiple bands, if we select some child items on sub-band then move the mouse down, when the mouse over the parent row, it will auto select all child items on the same level below.
I've include a small project that you can see the issue by using 11.2.20112.2019 dll. If you switch the version back to 11.1, or 11.2.20112.1010, it's working as expected. We also tried latest service pack 2074, it doeesn't work either.
Could you please help to investigate?
Hi Xin,
I'm not able to reproduce the behavior you are describing. But the steps to reproduce this issue are not very clear.
yuxin0717 said:elect some child items on sub-band then move the mouse down
Could you be more specific? Which items are you selecting and how are you selecting them? Are you selecting a range of rows? A range of cells? Are you holding the shift key? Are you dragging the mouse? Are you using the Control key?
yuxin0717 said:when the mouse over the parent row, it will auto select all child items on the same level below.
Again, could you be more specific. What row are you moving the mouse over? Is any mouse button still down? Or are you releasing the mouse before you move it?
Hey Mike,
It's moving the mouse down. You need select cells rather than row(sorry I didn't make it clear before)
1. Select some cells in child band in my example(not row, only cells).
2. Move your mouse down without release your mouse.
3. When mouse over parent level row(Person 2 in my example), it suddently auto select all child cells on the same cell level you orinigal select.
Okay, so I think I see what you are describing.
What I did was this:
At this point, I see that a whole bunch of cells got selected - all of the Address cells under Person1. Is that what you are getting?
This looks like a bug to me.
yeah, that's exactly the issue we saw:)
Okay, I have forwarded this thread over to Infragistics Developer Support and asked them to create a case for you and write this up for developer review so we can get it fixed. You should be hearing from them with a case number shortly.
I was able to see the issue using your sample and Mike's reproduction steps. I have created CAS-92430-8GVGXK to address it.
I have logged the issue in our system with a development issue ID of 112725. You will be notified when the issue has been resolved.
Please let me know if you have any questions for me.