I'm having problems with the selections of similar items in a UltraCombo.
I have several items with names that start the same. For example:
"CORAL" , "CORAL-01", "CORAL-02", "CORAL-PM",... and when i write "CORAL" the combo clears its value instead of selecting the item "CORAL".
I dont know if its a known issue of the version we're using at this project (8.2.20082.1000).
¿Is there any way to solve this problem without upgrading the version of infragistics?
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Thanks for your answer Boris!
I've found a solution for this problem.
In my application the combo is linked with a bindingsource and this bindingsource is filled with a list of elements. The elements ar of type EClient and the DisplayMember of the combo is the property 'code' of the EClient.
When i select the combo and i write "CO" the elements are showed like this:
and if i select "CORAL" the combo is cleared instead of select the element "CORAL"
I solved the problem by ordering the elements by the 'code' property so when i write "CO" in the combo the elements shown are:
and the combo doesn't clear itself after i select "CORAL".
It seems to be a problem with the display order of the elements.
I am checking about the progress of this issue. Please let me know If you need any further assistance on this.
I tried this with the version mentioned by you and it always works fine for me so I attached my sample to this post for you. Please review it and feel free to let me know if I misunderstood you or if you have any other questions.