I need my calendar control to disable specific dates from the drop down calendar to prevent the user to select them.
How can I force the user to select only the days after the one selected? I need the user to select a interval of dates, and one can't be lower than the other
Thanks in advance!
What i'm trying to accomplish is the same system that fight companies use to book their flights, when you choose a specific departure day, you can't choose a lower day as arrival, and the drop down calendar doesn't allow you to do so.
I'll try MinDate from UltraCalendarInfo, which seems to fit for this problem
Thank you very much for the quick response
I'm not sure I understood exactly what you are trying to accomplish, but you can disable any of the WinSchedule objects which represent a unit of time (Day, Week, Month, Year) by setting their Enabled property to false. UltraCalendarInfo exposes corresponding methods which return objects of these types (see GetDay, GetWeek, GetMonth, GetYear). Note that UltraCalendarInfo also exposes properties, MinDate and MaxDate, which give you a way to specify a contiguous range of dates outside of which are considered inaccessible.