I'm embedding a panel with several buttons using UltraControlContainerEditor. I want the buttons to be displayed and clickable all the time. Is there a way to do this?
Currently, the buttons will only display when the cell is activated.
Hi Mike,
i have a grid with two bands. In the child band, I have displayed only one cell (in the dataset are more). In this displayed cell I would like to view using an UltraControlContainerEditor several controls. (Buttons, text boxes, etc.)
My question is how can I bind these controls on the UltraControlContainerEditor to the corresponding row in the grid.
How do I implement the binding in my case?
I did try using the RenderingControl. The only thing is that the buttons do display but they are not active. I still need to click twice to get the click event. I want to be able to click the buttons only once.
Version: 9.2.
linksaussen said:How can i bind foreach child row other values in the textboxes of the control? Any ideas?
I don't understand what you want to do. You can bind any control you want to bind to anything you want to bind it to. What does the ControlContainerEditor have to do with it?
Are you saying you want to bind your controls to the same fields that are in the grid? Why would you want to do that? What's your goal here?
Bindinging the RenderingControl controls won't work, I am sure, since one control service all cells that are not in edit mode at once.
I can see how there might be some usefulness to binding the EditingControl, but I'm really not sure what that would be.
jquerijero said:I'm embedding a panel with several buttons using UltraControlContainerEditor. I want the buttons to be displayed and clickable all the time. Is there a way to do this?
It sounds to me like you are specifying an EditingControl for the UltraControlContainerEditor, but not a RenderingControl. You will need to use two instances of your panel if you want the buttons to show up all the time.
in the UltraControlContainerEditor you can set a control for EditMode and a RenderingControl. When you set the control on both properties the buttons are displayed the whole time.
I have on the control in my child band also several texboxes, do you know how i can use DataBinding there?
How can i bind foreach child row other values in the textboxes of the control? Any ideas?
Thanks in advance.